The State Loves The Show

Remember when you were ten and you sent that love letter to Ringo, hoping maybe, out of the eight billion letters he received on a daily basis, yours would be the one that would capture his heart? Remember how crazy everyone thought you were when you bought that wedding gown and reserved a hotel suite in Coco Beach for you and your beloved Beatle sweetheart? Well, we have proven that you are not crazy, just misunderstood. Celebrities do love you, and we have proof.

We at The Show have been long time secret admirers of The State, MTV's ill-fated sketch comedy troupe. We knew how unlikely it would be for the famous trendsetters to respond personally, but we took a chance and wrote an e-mail to them, letting them know how much we care.

Out of some stroke of sheer magic, former State editor and castmember David Wain responded to us and we knew it was true love. Here, for your viewing is the correspondance from The State. You can see for yourself the passion that bonds us.

The look...of love.
To: The Show
My main advice to you is to be brutal with your own material. And when it comes to sketch, quantity is how you get quality. Always do better. And keep performing new material as often as possible. And once you commit to doing a sketch, don't rest on the fact that it's funny-keep working on the script, make sure every beat is funny and makes sense and works and, is there a better joke here? Can we cut this? Etc...

Good luck with THE SHOW.

David Wain
The State

How could you deny the obvious depth of feeling behind that email? We love you too, David, but you have to stop sending us those leather pants. It looks funny, all those pants piled up in front of the door. Our neighbors are scared.

Love, The Show